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C2I Genomics

C2i Genomics provides cloud-based cancer diagnostic services to pharmaceutical and diagnostic organizations.

C2i Genomics provides cloud-based cancer diagnostic services to pharmaceutical and diagnostic organizations. The cancer intelligence company is developing a platform that can perform whole-genome sequencing using only 2 milliliters of blood. Its ultra-sensitive liquid biopsy assay allows physicians to monitor patient treatment response and detecttreatment failure or disease recurrence months and potentially years earlier than current monitoring methods. C2i’s cancer diagnostics service uses artificial intelligence pattern recognition and the whole-genome analysis to spot trace amounts of cancer much quicker, in about a week, to inform better treatment decisions and ultimately save lives. The company aims to help patients avoid unnecessary overtreatment with toxic chemotherapy or radiation, as well as to prevent them from going without treatment while cancer quietly grows and metastasizes. In 2019, Boris Oklander, Asaf Zviran, and Ezra Sofer established the company in New York, New York.

Source: Limited

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